Hush, Hush Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Without thinking, I slid my hands up his chest and around to his back. A fingertip brushed his right scar.

Patch tensed under my touch. I froze, the tip of my finger quivering on his scar. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't actually my finger moving, but me. All of me. (22.62-63)

Nora and Patch are getting closer, and Nora is becoming more sexually forward, though Patch is still always the persistent initiator. This passage indicates that sex involves not only getting physically closer to someone, but learning more about that person on other levels as well. When Nora touches Patch's scar, she flashes back to scenes from his past.

Quote #8

'If you can't feel, why did you kiss me?'

Patch traced a finger along my collarbone, then headed south, stopping my heart. I felt it pounding through my skin. 'Because I feel it here, in my heart,' he said quietly. 'I haven't lost the ability to feel emotion.' He watched me closely. 'Let me put it this way. Our emotional connection isn't lacking.'

[…] 'You mean you can feel happy or sad or—'

'Desire.' A barely-there smile. (24.58-61)

This is an interesting development. Patch is all about sex with Nora, but he reveals that he can't feel physical sensations because he doesn't have a human body. He indicates that sex is just as much about emotional desire as it is about physical experience, maybe even more so.

Quote #9

'Why did you fall?'

Patch's eyes held mine for a couple of counts. 'Lust.' (24.62-63)

Patch fell from heaven because of lust, so he's obviously been something of a playboy. We wonder if things will truly be different this time around with Nora…