How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I have money, but of course no husband. Nor do I have a child."
"Really?" Sylvie said. "Are you sure?"
Izzie ignored her. "No one to share my good fortune with. So, I was thinking, why don't I adopt Jimmy?" (20.654-656)
Izzie gave her child away, something that Sylvie never lets her forget. But without wanting to have another one, Izzie wants to acquire a family in some way… so she's willing to ask Sylvie for one of her kids.
Quote #8
Strange to be thinking of having children at all during a time when the very existence of the future was in doubt. (21.201)
It is indeed—and it doesn't go well for Freida and Ursula.
Quote #9
"Love at first sight," [Ursula] wrote giddily to Millie. But of course such feelings weren't "true" love (that was what she would feel for a child one day). (24.81)
This is the one timeline where Ursula gets married and has a child. That seems to be her priority here, as her mother's values have sunk in this time.