How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Pamela complained that she had never had a surprise party and Sylvie said, "Of course you have, you just don't remember." Was this true? Pamela frowned at the impossibility of knowing. (9.3)
It's incredible how many of our memories just disappear. We have to rely on others to remember for us, or risk forgetting certain things entirely.
Quote #2
"From a more scientific point of view," [Dr. Kellet] said, "perhaps the part of your brain responsible for memory has a little flaw, a neurological problem that leads you to think that you are repeating experiences. As if something had got stuck." (20.84)
Here, Dr. Kellet attempts to use science, versus his typical method of spirituality meets metaphysics, to explain Ursula's déjà vu, and he seems to arrive at the conclusion that it could be neurological time lag, or something similar.