Déjà Vu
The Sensation That You Are Doing Something You Have Done Before Atkinson could have called this book A Glitch in the Matrix, but we're glad she didn't. Keanu Reeves wouldn't have made a good U...
Snow and the Silver Hare
Snow BunniesUrsula's birth is often depicted as a cold and dangerous affair. The first time we see it, it's described from her point of view as "An icy rush of air, a freezing slipstream on the new...
There is so much animal imagery in this book that sometimes it's hard not to picture the characters as walking, talking animals, in the vein of Winnie the Pooh. Heck, the Todd family even lives at...
Upstairs, DownstairsBad things happen on staircases in this book. We're told that "Staircases were very dangerous places, according to Sylvie. People died on them" (17.15). Yikes. And she's not kid...