How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[Sylvie] had no idea where babies came from, even on her wedding night she remained baffled. (3.12)
Sex education isn't a thing in these days, and it seems like some people are taken by surprise on their wedding night. What do you think of this?
Quote #2
Yet again, Sylvie claimed to be taken by surprise by the newest addition to the family. […] Once, Sylvie had had no idea how children were started, now she seemed uncertain as to how you might stop them. (20.29)
While sex was surprising for Sylvie as a young woman, now she can't seem to shake it. Although, her fidelity is questionable, so who knows who her kids belong to at times.
Quote #3
Ursula shuddered at the memory of Howie's "parts" and how they had come together with hers in one vile conjugation. Was this what Sylvie and Hugh did? She couldn't imagine her mother putting up with such a thing. (20.287)
When Howie rapes Ursula on the stairs, it affects her entire view of sexuality going forward. She wonders if all sex is like this, and her mother's puritan attitude toward the act only reinforces the belief that sex is bad.