How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Jews?" Bridget said, screwing up her plain features in distaste. (6.77)
As someone who is a little bit different (Bridget is an Irish maid in an English household), you'd think she'd be more sympathetic.
Quote #2
"Jewish," Sylvie said in the same voice she would use for "Catholic"—intrigued, yet unsettled by such exoticism. (6.92)
Since the Todds don't really have to deal with people of different skin colors or races, they have to find other things to be prejudiced against, like different religions.
Quote #3
"That the Hun for you. They don't care who they kill. They're wicked, so they are. They eat Belgian babies." (6.137)
A lot of baby-eating rumors get spread during the war, the result of a general ignorance about other cultures, which leads to an increased fear of them when conflict breaks out.