How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Maurice poked a finger in the baby's face and she woke up and squawked in alarm. (4.48)
Maurice is the stereotypical mean older brother, even when he's only five years old. He will never grow out of this kind of bratty behavior, either.
Quote #2
How do you explain the magnitude of motherhood to someone who has no children? (6.39)
Sylvie wonders this about her childless friends, but Ursula feels a similar mother-child bond with her younger brother, Teddy, whom she would do anything for. Of course, in parallel lives, Ursula has had children, so maybe those motherly instincts just bleed over from there.
Quote #3
Hugh always looked vaguely startled to find his children at the same table as him. (6.97)
Hugh may not be a bad father, but he's kind of an oblivious one. He never associated much with his own parents when he was a child, so he has trouble relating to his own kids when they're really young.