How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"My life would be so dull without your salacious reports from the front line. What a deal of vicarious excitement I derive from your love life—or whatever you want to call it." (21.57)
Pamela and Ursula are less prude than their mother, and they have no problem talking about Ursula's love life. In fact, Pammy relishes it, being in a boring ol' monogamous relationship of her own.
Quote #5
The war made indiscretions easier. (21.56)
When people are dying all around you, a little extra sex isn't going to hurt anyone. People have no idea when they're going to die, so they have to enjoy life while it lasts.
Quote #6
Ursula was still a virgin, of course, "intact" as Sylvie would have it. Not for any moral reason, simply because she hadn't yet met anyone that she liked enough. "You don't have to like them," Klara laughed. (24.57)
In this timeline, Ursula is a little more sexually reserved, and this quote also highlights the difference between Ursula's prim English upbringing and the Germans' different view of sex.