Like Water for Chocolate Freedom/Liberation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Because I don't want to." (6, 412)

This is what Tita writes on the wall when prompted by Dr. Brown to explain why she won't talk. It's both a declaration of free choice, and a "talk to the hand" sign.

Quote #5

For the first time Tita firmly held her gaze, and Mama Elena lowered hers. (7, 440)

Can you feel the power switch? We think this is HUGE and shows that Tita has finally become her own person.

Quote #6

Surely Pedro had died at the moment of ecstasy when he entered the luminous tunnel. (12, 863)

Hmm, this one's a toughie. Is death for Pedro freedom? Freedom from what, exactly? We were so sure he was about to live happily ever after with Tita.