Like Water for Chocolate Freedom/Liberation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Tita did not hesitate. She let herself go to the encounter, and they wrapped each other in a long embrace. (12, 863)

Double hmm. The two lovebirds are finally free to be together and then both die? What's up with that?

Quote #8

In fact, Tita no longer gave a damn either about what people would say when their love affair was made public. (12.832)

You go girl. And it's about time; at this point in the book, it seems like everyone and their mom know that Tita and Pedro are together.

Quote #9

During the funeral, Tita wept for her mother. (7.483)

Wow. We think this may be the first (and only time) Tita shows sympathy for her mother. All at once she's free of her deeply disturbed relationship, and her feelings of hate toward Mama Elena.