Lucky Jim Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Lucky Jim? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the name of the dude who supposedly broke Margaret's heart?

Seth Rogen
Oh right, poor Margaret
Q. What is the main reason why Jim hangs out with Margaret?

He's worried about pushing her over the edge (again).
He thinks she's beautiful.
He wants to use her Spotify account.
Definitely not 3; he hates music.
Q. What does Christine do to make Jim think of her as a realistic romantic option?

She tells him that Bertrand's a loser.
She helps him hide the burn in Mrs. Welch's sheets.
She learns everything she can about medieval shipbuilding.
She uses a lot of emojis in her emails to him.
Q. Margaret lives

With the Welches
In Jim's building
in the History Department faculty lounge
In an asylum
Q. The first thing Jim notices about Christine is

Her intelligence—hahahahahaha
Her charm—yeah, right
Her grace—as if
Her large breasts and small waist