Marked by Fire Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What you got to understand is that every man you marry is not your husband." (20.19)

Mother Barker drops this truth bomb on the group of women gathered to mend their cotton sacks as she prepares a birthday feast for Abby. A husband isn't simply someone you marry, as far as Mother Barker's concerned; it's someone who you truly bond and connect with, who loves you as you love them. In other words, marriage shmarriage.

Quote #5

"You're the only child we have, Abby. Even if Patience did give you birth and Strong is your daddy." (24.22)

Mother Barker says this to Abby after she tells her that she and the foreman will be leaving their house to her when they die. The love she feels for Abby is deep and familial, and she wants to set Abby up for a good future.

Quote #6

"My child, there is no greater joy on earth than the joy of healing." (24.27)

As Abby completes her education from Mother Barker, Mama B tells this to her star pupil. And what is healing if not an act of love?