Marked by Fire Mother Barker Quotes

"I know it was rosebay," Mother Barker said.

"Rosebay!?" said the astonished Abby. "Why, that'll kill you!"

"How could you tell it was rosebay?" someone asked.

"By the way it smelled," said Mother Barker.

"Oleander does have a peculiar smell all right," one of the women agreed.

"Then I saw the petals," Mother Barker revealed. "The children kept arguing over who had the most blossoms floating in their teacups."


"She might really harm somebody someday," the snuff dipper said.

"She bears close watching," Mother Barker said quietly to the concerned woman. (19.2-11)

Trembling Sally is a problem in town. Sometimes she tries to kill Abby, sometimes she tries to kill the Lightsey kids, but pretty much all the time, she's up to no good. And who mulls over how to handle her? Why the women, of course. Here they are talking through Sally's behavior, trying to figure out just how to handle her.

Mother Barker

Quote 2

"It is not the physical wound I worry about," said Mother Barker.


"No, it's not the physical hurt that bothers me. I look in her eyes, and I see blood on the flower of her spirit," said Mother Barker. (9.44-48)

Brother Jacobs's attack on Abyssinia doesn't just hurt her physically, it wounds "her spirit." While her body will heal with medicine and time, the invisible damage is much more worrisome to Mother Barker.

Mother Barker examined Miss Sally carefully. She said a blackjack leaf went through Miss Sally when the big wind peeled the planks, one by one, off Miss Sally's old frame house and tossed them to the storm like brown sticks. She said the tornado took the handle off the iron tub and left the cow eyeless and gave Miss Sally the trembles.

"Not a thing more I can do," she said, shaking her head. (7.46-47)

And just like that, Miss Sally is gone, replaced by Trembling Sally. When the tornado destroys her home, something snaps inside Miss Sally and she never manages to heal, instead spending the rest of her days in madness.