How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"That must be terrible—thinking you were Grace's favorites and then being left in the dark like that." (3.33)
Ouch. Ian Kabra's harsh remark gets to the core of why Dan and Amy feel betrayed by Grace. It stings, and this is like rubbing salt in the wound.
Quote #5
"I will disown you and leave you to Social Services." (3.51)
As if one betrayal wasn't enough, Amy and Dan also have to deal with Aunt Beatrice saying she'll get rid of the kids for not giving her their inheritance. This betrayal cements the fact that Amy and Dan are totally alone in the world. They have no adults to trust.
Quote #6
"Until the end, surely we can collaborate?" (3.87)
If they had listened to Uncle Alistair's question here a little more closely, Amy and Dan would have noticed the "end" part of it. Who's to decide when to end their little alliance? It's Alistair, who betrays the siblings when it's in his best interest. We're thinking they should have seen that coming, but hey, hindsight's 20/20, right?