How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
[Amy] and Dan crawled through the library, desperately looking for another exit. She had no idea where Uncle Alistair had disappeared. (5.86)
Just to play devil's advocate, let's say Uncle Alistair really was injured somewhere during the fire. Amy and Dan don't even bother looking for him; they just leave. That's not just a betrayal. That could be a fatal betrayal.
Quote #8
Alistair Oh had tricked them. He'd stolen the Poor Richard's Almanack with their mother's notes—their only lead in the quest. (5.122)
And here's betrayal number three. Why do they keep trusting him?
Quote #9
If [Grace] really loved them, she wouldn't have left them in the dark. (15.110)
Even a few days into the adventure, Amy and Dan still feel betrayed by Grace. This reminds us that they are still kids. At 11 and 14, they're more sensitive than the adults are. They weren't given special treatment either.