Midwinterblood Part 3, Chapter 2 Summary

  • The airman has some crazy dreams while he's out. He sees visions of heaven and hell and dreams he's being chased through fiery pits or eaten by a dragon; he thrashes around so much that he scares a nearby hare who has been watching him.
  • The airman wakes up and sees that the dragon from his dreams is actually a large dog—a wolfhound had been licking his face.
  • His ankle is also broken. And he has no idea where he is.
  • Before he bailed out of his plane, the airman managed to radio another pilot, but both of them were off-course. They'd run into a fighter patrol and headed north only to find another one waiting. It was very bad luck.
  • What can he do now? He's landed on an island. That's good—if he had crashed into the sea, he'd be dead. If only he could find his emergency kit, he could inject himself with morphine and maybe ease his pain enough to move.
  • People must live on the island since he's in the middle of a wheat field and he just saw someone's dog. There's just got to be someone around here somewhere.
  • The British Navy isn't going to send a search party for one missing airman, so his only hope is to meet up with some locals.
  • Just then, he hears a man's voice calling for the dog, Skilla. Before the airman can pull out his gun, a large man is shining a light in his face to get a better look at what the heck Skilla has found.