Midwinterblood Theme of Sacrifice

Giving up things isn't easy. And while it's one thing to try to lay off candy (so hard), in Midwinterblood, the stakes are way higher. In nearly every life he lives, Eric sacrifices himself to save another person. Sometimes, he does this willingly and heroically; other times, it's brutally forced on him (we're looking at you, Tor). Time and again, though, Eric's unselfishness allows others to live and thrive. He pays the ultimate price, but also ends up getting a pretty sweet reward—seven lives. Score.

Questions About Sacrifice

  1. Why does Erik give up his own life to save David Thompson?
  2. Who do you think is right on the question of sacrifice? Eric Carlsson? Or those big shots at the Swedish National Museum? Why?
  3. Can you think of any other books or movies that feature modern-day sacrifices like the ones talked about in this novel?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Because King Eirikr dies as a human sacrifice, he is destined to repeat this pattern in each of his future lives.

It's great that Eric dies and all, but Merle's the one who makes the biggest sacrifice: She signs up for seven lifetimes of standing by her man, which isn't exactly a self-centered commitment.