Midwinterblood Visions of Blessed Island Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He is overwhelmed by the beauty of the island.

His bedroom window looks to the south and to the east. Below him is another small slice of heaven. Pretty colored houses, little lanes, tall birches swaying in a gentle wind, and everywhere flowers.


People are walking in the lanes, they call to each other, and pause to chat at the tiny toy-town intersections. From somewhere he cannot see he can hear music. And singing. It sounds like a dozen voices, a haunting, conflicting yet beautiful melody, to a simple accompaniment of a guitar and accordion. He strains to catch the words, but they are blown away.

The sky overhead is blue, and everywhere there are flowers. (1.4.7-11)

This place is like paradise. Who wouldn't love it here? But this picture of beauty has some ominous tones, too. The flowers are everywhere, almost like they're closing in on Eric. (And wasn't he supposing to be investigating something about flowers? Huh. Guess he'll do it tomorrow.) And don't even get us started on the haunting voices singing—creepy.

Quote #2

"I'm sorry," he says, "it's just that the rest of the world is different from here. People aren't so thoughtful. So generous. It's all rush-rush, no time for please and thank you. It's…"

"I understand," Merle says. "It's different." (1.7.15-16)

Oh, Merle, what an understatement. Yeah, they do things a little bit differently on Blessed Island, but Eric's about to find out just how behind the times they are very soon.

Quote #3

That one had two halves, a very distinct shape, like the two wings of a butterfly, though the western half slightly smaller, giving it a lopsided look. The two halves were joined by a narrow strip of land.

Eric looks at the paper map in his hand. Only the eastern half of the island is printed. Half the island is missing.

Now why, he thinks, would they print a map of only half the island?

That would be stupid. Unless, unless, unless you wanted to keep half of it secret. (1.8.9-12)

Eric's map has some secrets. Interesting. Sedgwick said he modeled Blessed Island off a small island in Sweden named Brännö. Do you notice the same butterfly shape that Eric is describing on this map?