Midwinterblood Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why is this tale told backward? What does this add to the story? Can you think of other books or movies that use a reverse chronology or show events out of sequence?
  2. This book covers a whole bunch of different genres. Do you think it's more a fantasy, a mystery, or a love story? Or is it a bit of a mix?
  3. Are Eric and Merle fated to connect and then be doomed in each life they live? What does this say about their ability to choose and have free will?
  4. Imagine you're making a travel brochure for Blessed Island. What kinds of things would you put in it? The rich Viking history? The lovely foliage? What stuff would you leave out? The ritual human sacrifices? Yeah, maybe that…
  5. Midwinterblood features a love story that stretches across time and space—except Eric and Merle aren't always lovers. What do you think this says about the meaning of love?
  6. The title of this book is based on a famous Swedish painting called Midvinterblot. How does the author use one type of art to comment on another?
  7. Which one of the stories about Eric and Merle is your favorite? Why?
  8. Do you think this book deserved to be named the best young adult book of the year? What makes it stand out from others?