Missing May Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's nothing in this old head of mine to make a 'gig from, sweetheart. Seems all it's filled up with is talking to May and thinking about her dying on us." (6.54) 

When May dies, it's as though all the creativity gets sucked right out of Ob's soul. He doesn't have anything left to let him daydream and create, and his head is all filled with morbid thoughts and grief. How are they ever going to get him back on track? 

Quote #5

I saw that grin on his face, that glint in his eyes, and I knew that Ob had suddenly found himself a reason to get out of bed on time in the mornings, at least for a little while longer. (7.17)

Maybe it's foolish of them all to let Uncle Ob believe that they can just go on a road trip and they'll have a newfound link to the spirit world, but Uncle Ob has had so little to plan for and believe in lately that Summer just has to go along with it. It's her only hope for seeing him act alive.

Quote #6

"Maybe we can even stop in Charleston and look at the capitol on our way back. I've not ever been to the capitol. Never been anywhere, really, except the middle part of Raleigh County and the middle part of Fayette County." (7.20)

Cletus is the kind of kid who actually proclaims that he wants to be a Renaissance man, but his circumstances in life have kept him from really seeing much of the world. He needs this trip too, so that he can feel like he's a part of something bigger.