Missing May Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Pretty soon we'll all be in Ob's Valiant, traveling like wise men to Bethlehem, looking for that star in the sky that might point us to May. (7.31)

Once they're in that old car, it's like they're really setting out on a quest. Even skeptical and constantly worried Summer can't help but get into the spirit of the occasion. It's officially adventure time.

Quote #8

And for a second, right then, I had this strong image of Cletus someday doing that very thing. Of his being Fayette County's elected representative to the legislature and driving over to Charleston to put his head together with other important heads and enact profound laws. (9.21)

Once they get a glimpse of the capitol building, Summer understands that this is Cletus's dream in life—he wants to do big things and to be somewhere where big decisions are being made. And she hopes that he gets his dream.

Quote #9

My heart was aching for Cletus, for I knew there was little in life he really wanted this bad, this chance to see the West Virginia State Capitol. (10.35)

Oh no—Uncle Ob is so upset after the failed meeting with the spiritualist medium that he just turns around and decides to go home. Is he going to completely dash Cletus's dreams in the process?