Missing May Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And once I realized that writer had in fact been describing me—or what she saw when she looked at me—all I wanted was to be home, safe with May and Ob, never to leave the haven of my own room again. (6.27)

There's no place like home—especially when a classmate describes you in an unflattering light and it's read out in front of the whole class. Good thing Summer has a family to go home to and take comfort in.

Quote #5

But all we had was Aunt May's worn-out copy of Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, which she had reached for every time I threw up as a child. I didn't figure on Dr. Spock giving me any good advice about old men who couldn't go on without their wives. (6.31)

Aunt May really takes this motherhood thing seriously. She even has a childcare book to help her learn how to take care of Summer. Too bad Summer's having a hard time picking up on the mothering duties…

Quote #6

I had no reason to fear bats, and as I grew and discovered how many people are deathly afraid of them, it made me wonder about fear. Whether it all just starts with the people who raise us. (8.2)

Despite her tough beginnings, Summer really was raised in a loving and secure household. Maybe that's why she isn't afraid of many things… except for death, that is.