Missing May Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Those two people in that picture had been holding Cletus between them, frail as they were, ever since Cletus took his first breath. And Cletus just never expected them to let him fall. (8.48)

Cletus is a completely different person around his family—with them, he can be fully confident and not weird at all. He's so loved that he doesn't second-guess himself within the confines of his home.

Quote #8

I closed my eyes and thought of my poor young mama and May's poor mommy and daddy and my dear May herself. But I didn't dwell on them with pain or with fear. (11.24)

Summer may still have a strong connection to her family members who have died, but that doesn't mean she has to wallow and be depressed forever. After all, they'd all want her to keep living.

Quote #9

I had me a little girl finally, something I'd wanted all my life. I'd come to figure the good Lord wasn't ever going to give me one, for reasons of His own. But He was holding me steady all those years, waiting for you to be born, waiting for your poor mama to die, waiting for Ob to see you didn't know how to ask for a glass of milk. (11.29)

It's almost like a miracle that Summer finds just the right family for her. Aunt May would call it God, and maybe others would call it luck, but whatever it is, it's resulted in the perfect little family.