How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[Tom] cut through the Twenty-First Century gallery, past the big plastic statues of Pluto and Mickey, animal-headed gods of lost America. (1.18)
The people of this future society think we revered Disney characters as gods... and we kind of do. What other pop-culture characters might be misconstrued as deities one day? Saint Shrek? Nemo, Patron Saint of Lost Children? Tina Fey, Our Lady of Perpetual Funniness? We could go on and on.
Quote #2
[Tom] would have to remember [Hester Shaw], and say a prayer for her to one of London's many gods. (3.17)
Why would Tom pray for Hester? Because she apparently committed suicide? Because she's so full of anger? Or just because he wishes she weren't so ugly?
Quote #3
[Katherine] paus[ed] to pay her respects before the statue of Clio, goddess of History. (5.5)
You might know Clio as the Greek Muse of History. That's appropriate, huh?