How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Now [Tom] was dead, his soul fled down to the Sunless Country. (5.10)
This shows the culture's beliefs about what happens after a person dies. The Sunless Country sounds pretty bleak. Why do you think they don't believe in a happy, sunny afterlife? Does the fact that they believe in an afterlife at all show that they are hopeful? Or is this particular afterlife too bleak for that?
Quote #5
Between them stands St. Paul's, the ancient Christian temple. [...] It is a sad said now, covered in scaffolding and shored up with props, for it was never meant to move. (7.1)
St. Paul's Cathedral seems to represent Christianity. Does Christianity have trouble moving, or in this case, adapting with changing times?
Quote #6
They ran [...] past a shrine to Peripatetia, goddess of wandering towns. (9.3)
If something is "peripatetic," it's something that moves around a lot and travels. Another good name for a god, no? What do names mean in this novel?