The One and Only Ivan Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

If there was a he somewhere could there be a she somewhere? Or was it just the two of us in the world, trapped in our own separate boxes? (the nature show.118)

Ivan spots another gorilla on television one night, and when he does, he realizes that he is most definitely not the only gorilla on the planet. He might feel lonely inside his cage, but at least he now knows he's not alone.

Quote #5

A bull is like a silverback, noble, contained. Calm like a cobra is calm. (stella.132)

Here we see containment being about self-control and command of personal power. It's a totally different take on the idea of freedom—you might even say, that here Ivan's identifying animals' ability to choose when they unleash their power.

Quote #6

Circling Stella's legs are long ago scars of the chains she wore as a youth. (stella's trunk.136)

Stella's body bears the marks of life cooped up. She wasn't just tied, either—she was done so in a way that marred her skin permanently. Ouch.