The One and Only Ivan Man vs. the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"Not the greatest specimen, But I got her cheap from this bankrupt circus out west." (stella helps.380)

Is it time to put Mack in a box and then parade him around in a ring while we critique his unshapely figure and receding hairline? He's talking about Ruby here, and she's just a baby elephant for crying out loud.

Quote #8

"Humans. Rats have bigger hearts. Roaches have bigger souls." (ruby's story.553)

Okay, so Bob is especially averse to humans. He doesn't trust them one bit, which makes sense since he was abandoned as a pup. But what did rats and roaches ever do to him?

Quote #9

The humans […] coo. They clap.

Ruby is a hit.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad. (a hit.573-575)

Ruby's done her job well, which is usually cause for celebration, but since her job entails a life of captivity in a mall, being "trained" with a claw hook, and forced to perform for humans with little regard for her well-being, well… it's also kind of sad.