The One and Only Ivan Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"Memories are precious. They help tell us who we are." (not sleepy.256)

Stella clings tightly to her memories. They are hers and her alone, which isn't really the case about any other part of her existence.

Quote #5

I never remember my dreams, although sometimes I awake with my fists clenched and my heart hammering. (artists.79)

Again we'll ask: Does Ivan really not remember his past? We think it's tucked in there somewhere in his brain, even if he tries not to let it come out.

Quote #6

I gaze at the huge, shadowy box. And suddenly I understand how Ruby feels. I don't want to go into that box. The last time I was in a box my sister died. (boxes.1261-1262)

Ivan must confront some of his greatest fears to make himself go into the box and leave. He shows great courage here, and it pays off—this box takes him to the zoo. The past and the future, then, bump right up against each other here.