One Whole and Perfect Day Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"She came to Mercer Hall when I was out and left [spring rolls] for me. And I didn't call to thank her because I was so mad she'd been there without even telling me. And you know, I told you, how she wants to see my room, how she'd wanted to see it for months and months and I've put her off and—I'm a bully!" howled Clara. "That's what I am—I'm a bully just like Dad!" (39.19)

A big part of the book is characters like Clara, Lonnie, and Lily learning that although they may think they know what's what now that they're teenagers and/or in college, they're human and fallible just like everyone else. They may think they're parents don't get it, but in reality, there's just as much that they don't understand themselves, too.