One Whole and Perfect Day Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Now Lily could almost hear Tracy chuckle broadly. Then she'd dig Daniel in the ribs […] "She does all the housework, too […] Yucky old cooking and cleaning and stuff. Haven't you noticed how she smells of old dishwater, and…onions and boiled cabbage? If Lily Samson gets keen on you, do this!" Here Tracy would hold her nose. "And then, start running!" (27.15-17)

It's true that Lily's life isn't a cakewalk, but still—she's a little hard on herself in constructing this image of how other people see her. We don't doubt that Tracy's mean enough to say these things, but Lily's imagination seems to run away a bit, like she increasingly believes this scenario is real.

Quote #8

"Why do I have to be the one to make up, anyway?" Lonnie sulked back at her. "I'm not the one who lost his block, I'm not the one who—" (30.15)

Just like Stan, Lonnie's pretty quick with the "I'm not the one" statements. While both Lonnie and Stan each think the other is to blame, it's ultimately an issue of pride between the two of them. Want more? Read up on pride elsewhere in this section.

Quote #9

"We talked about her library, where she works, and recipes and stuff, that's all. And, and carpets. She wanted to know if you had a carpet in your room. Or if it was bare—"

"She's got a thing about that," Clara said. "She hates wooden floors. It's almost like […] almost like she's afraid of them." (32.39-40)

For Clara, her mom's aversion to hardwood floors is an irrational phobia. We, however, know the truth: that it actually represents her fear of loneliness and sadness for Clara.