Paperboy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When I turned onto my block I saw both of my parents' cars in the driveway and remembered that my mother had said they weren't going out Friday night and that the three of us were going to have a late supper at home. (6.33)

Victor loves his parents, but they don't spend all that much time with him… at least not as much time as he spends with Mam. A dinner together is a special occasion that they have to plan for.

Quote #5

My mother and father were talking in the breakfast room as I eased down the back stairs. I sat on the landing step to hear what my mother was saying.

His therapist says that stammering is likely generic but no one in my family stammers.

I think you mean genetic. (7.42-44)

Victor gets why his mother would be looking into her family background to see if there are any stutterers, but why does his father seem so unconcerned? Shouldn't he be talking about his family members, too?

Quote #6

My mother's name before she got married was written in at the bottom of the paper on the left beside MOTHER. On the right side next to FATHER was a word I wasn't expecting. (7.76-77)

Talk about a surprise, right? Victor totally didn't expect to find this when snooping in his parents' closet. He doesn't know what to think after he sees his birth certificate and learns that his father isn't his biological dad.