Paperboy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Here was the toughest part to figure out. If some other man and my mother got together to make me then why did I like being around my father more than my mother? I liked to talk to my father a whole lot more than my mother. My father never seemed to mind that I stuttered so much. (8.5)

The most confusing thing about learning the truth about his father is that Victor feels closer to his father than he does to his mother. How can he feel so much like family if they're not even biologically related?

Quote #8

But since my father wasn't the one who made me with my mother he could have said I wasn't of his doing and he wouldn't have had to raise me or make time for me. It seemed I owed him a lot more than I owed somebody who I didn't even know. I wasn't sure I even wanted to learn anything about the other man because he didn't want to know anything about me as far as I could tell. (19.72)

Victor decides that his father is an even better dad than most because he isn't related to him. He doesn't have to take care of Victor so much, but he does because he loves his son—regardless of their biological connection.

Quote #9

My father on the birth certificate might have been Unknown but the tall man throwing ball with me in his white shirt with his necktie stuffed between the buttons was my father as far as I was concerned. He got his shiny dress shoes muddy when he stepped in the flower beds to get a ball. He always tried to do everything in the world for me and he didn't even have to if you wanted to be official about it. (19.73)

His dad may not be the official name listed on the birth certificate, but he's being pretty much the best father in the world. Victor can't imagine a better dad.