Father Rentería Timeline and Summary


Father Rentería Timeline and Summary

  • Father Rentería is the town priest of Comala. He hears many confessions from women who sleep with Pedro Páramo, but never hears Pedro himself confess.
  • One night he is called to give last rites to a woman in labor. She dies in childbirth, and the priest takes the baby, Miguel, to Pedro Páramo, the baby's father.
  • Because Miguel grows up to be a terrible person and kills Father Rentería's brother and rapes his niece, Father Rentería refuses to perform any ceremonies for Miguel's eternal soul. However, Pedro pays the priest and Father Rentería gives in to his greed.
  • He feels terrible for what he has done and goes to the next town over to confess, but the priest refuses to forgive him.
  • When Father Rentería gets back to Comala, he finds a line of people waiting to confess. He is too upset to listen to them, though, and instead goes up to Pedro Páramo's ranch.
  • He pretends to deliver the last rites to Susana, Pedro's dying wife, but instead he talks to her about the way her body will rot when she dies.
  • Later Father Rentería joins the revolutionaries as part of the Mexican Revolution, so he's not around when people need him to perform his priestly duties. Even more people die with sin on their souls, clogging up the town with more and more ghosts who can't get into heaven.