Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Pedro Páramo.
Religion Quotes
"[W]ith all the money we spent to bury your grandfather, and the tithes we've paid to the church, we don't have anything left." (7.12)
Memory and the Past Quotes
The road rose and fell. It rises or falls depending on whether you're coming or going. If you are leaving, it's uphill; but as you arrive it's downhill. (2.2)
Violence Quotes
And he lowered his stick against the burros for no reason at all, because they had been far ahead of us, guided by the descending trail. (2.38)
Madness Quotes
I wondered if she were crazy. But by now I wasn't thinking at all. (5.22)
Suffering Quotes
As she closed the door, her sobs began; he could hear them for a long time, mixed with the sound of the rain. (8.7)
Revenge Quotes
"Don't ask him for anything. Just what's ours. What he should have given me but never did… Make him pay, son, for all those years he put us out of his mind." (1.3)
The Supernatural Quotes
My mother always hated having her picture taken. She said photographs were a tool of witchcraft. And that may have been so, because hers was riddled with pinpricks, and at the location of the heart...
Gender Quotes
She always hated Pedro Páramo. "Doloritas! Did you tell them to get my breakfast?" […]"I wonder how many times your mother heard that call? 'Dona Doloritas, this is cold. It won't do.' How many...