How It All Goes Down
Ruth May Price
- Ruth May broke her arm, so Father has Eeben Axelroot fly her to the doctor in the closest city.
- On the plane, Ruth May sees a sack of diamonds.
- Gee whiz, what's a sack of diamonds doing on a plane flying out of the Congo? That's not suspicious at all.
- Mr. Axelroot says that if she tells anyone, God will make her mother get sick and die. Wow. Way to intimidate a five-year-old, dude.
- As the doctor wraps her arm in a cast, he and her dad get into an argument about Congolese politics.
- Back at home, Leah and Ruth May hide in the woods and watch the armies patrolling, both the Belgian Army and the Jeune Mou-Pro, whom Ruth May calls the Jimmy Crow boys.
- Revolution is brewing in the Congo.