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The Princess Bride Scenes 21-25 Summary

Scene 21

  • Humperdinck, having seen Westley and Buttercup traveling (clumsily) in a particular direction, concludes that they are headed into the fire swamp. A word to the wise—it's not as nice as they make it look in the brochure.

Scene 22

  • Westley and Buttercup, battered and bruised but happily reunited after all these years, can hardly wait to jump back into that kissing business. We know who's going to be not happy about that development…

Scene 23

  • The grandson continues to gripe about too much kissing, and the grandfather pacifies him by skipping over that bit to get to the part about the fire swamp. Sounds like a lovely place for a honeymoon.

Scene 24

  • Westley and Buttercup, dashing along a ravine, spot Humperdinck approaching. When faced with a choice between entering a dark, dangerous swamp in which no one has ever survived and marrying a guy with a nasty sneer, Buttercup goes with the swamp. Good choice.

Scene 25

  • Fire swamp = definitely creepy. They weren't kidding. It's dark as night in there, and various spots on the ground randomly decide to erupt into flame.
  • As the two are making their way through the infernal (pun intended) place, Westley explains to Buttercup how he managed to escape death by becoming the Dread Pirate Roberts' valet, and later being given the title himself.
  • Seems he's only the latest in a long line of Dread Pirate Robertses. Their annual reunions must be a hoot.
  • The fire swamp continues to be bad news, as Buttercup is swallowed up by a particularly nasty (and fast-working) patch of "lightning sand."
  • Westley, a quick thinker, grabs a vine and dives in after her, somehow managing to pull both of them to safety. He must have gotten in some lightning sand safety classes—along with all his other training—while he was on board that ship.
  • With two of the three terrors of the fire swamp behind them, they now only have to worry about the ROUS's—the Rodents of Unusual Size. A creature so large and ghastly that it's earned its own acronym.
  • One of the ROUS's attacks Westley. This thing is seriously nasty. Even worse than most of the vermin you'd find on the streets of New York City. Barely.
  • Anyway, Westley's finally able to set the thing on fire and finish it off with his sword, but not before getting a couple of pretty bad bite marks on his arm and shoulder. Ah, well. It's always nice to be able to show off a battle wound or two.
  • (Note for sensitive viewers: No ROUS's were harmed during the making of this film.)