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The Princess Bride Scenes 61-63 Summary

Scene 61

  • ...our narrator closes the book. He figures his grandson doesn't want to hear another kissing part. But surprise, surprise. It seems the romantic in the kid has begun to bloom. He asks his grandfather to continue.

Scene 62

  • So he does. And Westley and Buttercup get to finish their kiss. Which we're told is up there with the greatest kisses of all time. Awww.

Scene 63

  • This time the grandfather closes the book for realz, and tells his patient listener it's time to get some sleep.
  • Before the old man leaves, his grandson makes a request that he come back tomorrow and read it to him again. "As you wish," says the grandfather. Wait…is he…so the story's…hold on a sec. Don't you mess with us, Princess Bride