Requiem for a Dream Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Requiem for a Dream.

Quote #7

HARRY: I'm sorry for being such a bastard. I wanna make it up. I mean, I know I can't change anything that's happened, but I want you to know that, that I love you. And that I'm sorry. And I want you to be happy. So I got you a brand-new TV set. It's gonna be delivered in a couple of days. It's from Macy's.

Harry thinks he can deal with disappointment through stuff, whether it's drugs or fancy electronics. Both of these things are only temporary distractions that don't deal with the real problem. In Sara's case, the big TV makes things worse… like upgrading to HD for the first time and seeing what people on TV really look like.

Quote #8

MARION: Some dumb-ass junkie did what? You mean you f***ed it up? […] You promised me that everything was gonna be okay, remember? I f***ed that sleazebag for you, and I put myself through f***ing hell for you. […] You f***ing loser.

Marion's disappointed in herself for stooping so low as to have sex for money, but she takes it out on Harry and blames him for it.