Requiem for a Dream Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Requiem for a Dream.

Quote #7

SARA: Oh, Tappy, if you don't mind, I would just like to say hello to my husband, Seymour, and my beautiful, successful son, Harry. I hope you're in love. Please come and see me. And bring Marion, won't you?

Sara desperately wants a happy family, but that's something no game show will ever give her. Harry's happiness does not lie behind curtain number three.

Quote #8

SARA: I'm walking across the stage! And you should see my Harry on television. We're giving the prizes away. I just wanted to be on the show. […] Call Seymour, and tell him to meet me at the beauty parlor. I got the red dress that I wore to Harry's graduation, and the gold shoes.

Sara starts to regress as she loses her mind. Before being taken to the hospital, she talks as if her husband is still alive. In her dreams, she has brought him back to life. Not even Alex Trebek can bring people back to life. Moustaches, yes. People, no.