Requiem for a Dream Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Requiem for a Dream.

Quote #4

HARRY: Marion, I've been thinking about you so much. Are you okay?

MARION: When are you coming home?

HARRY: Soon.


HARRY: Soon. You're holding out, right?

MARION: Harry? Can you come today?

HARRY, crying: Yeah. Yeah. I'll come. I'll come today. You just wait for me, all right?

While Harry cries, Marion fixes her makeup. Harry is alone, but Marion is about to see her friends: Benjamin, Andrew, and Alexander…as in Franklin, Jackson, and Hamilton.

Quote #5

NURSE: She'll be sent for. She'll come.

HARRY: No. […] No, she won't.

NURSE: She'll come.

Here, Harry realizes that Marion won't come visit him. We then see Sara alone in her hospital bed in New York. Sara wants her son to be happy. Harry wants his mom to be happy. Yet these two can't connect, and they both end up lonely at the end of the movie. We would ask someone to pass the tissues, but we're alone too, and we have to get the dang tissues ourselves.