How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"For nearly sixty years he's walked the County lines doing his duty. Doing what has to be done. Soon it'll be your turn. And if you won't do it, then who will? Who'll look after the ordinary folk?" (1.77)
Hearing this from the Spook, we equate his duty with the same sense of duty that superheroes feel to protect us common folk. Which raises the question, why can't the ordinary folk look after themselves? What's so special about the Spook—about Tom? Or are these two simply willing to do a job that most people would never even consider?
Quote #2
"You've the gift and the strength to do what has to be done. I know you're going to make me proud of you." (1.79)
Here, Mam speaks to Tom's strong sense of duty. It's a nice little pep talk, but sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between Mam's praising Tom and her giving him a guilt trip.
Quote #3
"Hunger's something you're going to have to get used to," [the Spook] said. "We don't each much when we're working, and if the job's very difficult, we don't eat anything at all until afterward. Fasting's the safest thing." (2.50)
It's not just a Spook's duty to protect people. It's also his duty to ensure that he's in the best physical shape in order to help people. We can totally see The Spook Diet ending up on the next Dr. Oz Show.