How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"You're nearly a man now, and a man has to work." (7.59)
Learning to fulfill one's duty, whatever that may be, is an aspect of any coming-of-age story. While Tom isn't quite there yet, he is slowly learning to take on responsibilities that affect other people. And this one of the first steps one must take toward adulthood.
Quote #8
"You're the last chance. The last hope. Someone has to do it. Someone has to stand against the dark. And you're the only one who can." (7.61)
This is another one of those motivational speeches from Mam that sounds a lot like a guilt trip. We think the subtext here is not just, "If you don't do this, I'll be disappointed in you," but "If you don't do this, the whole world would be disappointed in you. You know, if they aren't all dead already."
Quote #9
I told [the Spook] about Billy. He nodded sadly but said not to worry because he'd do what was necessary. (11.141)
Adults have duties too, and the Spook's duties are difficult in a different way than Tom's are. He has had to bury someone whom he mentored, someone who died on the job. Poor Billy. And poor Spook. Digging a pit suddenly sounds pretty easy to us. But, as any good superhero knows, you don't get to choose your duty... it chooses you.