How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You can talk to ghosts and tell them what's what." (2.28)
Here we see some of Tom's supernatural powers, which he might have inherited from his mother. He doesn't even need a Ouija board to talk with ghosts. We're impressed.
Quote #5
Thirteen, the worst and unluckiest of all numbers. (3.7)
We had a lot to say about the number thirteen in our "Symbols" analysis, but we have to mention it here too. Thirteen goes beyond superstition and into the realm of the supernatural here because its association with danger is all too real in Tom's world.
Quote #6
Maybe it wasn't a question of who was climbing the stairs. Maybe it was a question of what. (3.33)
Is it scarier to have a ghost trying to kill you, or a real person trying to kill you? We're not sure. But either way, we do not want to be in Tom's shoes when this thing—whatever or whoever it is—comes knocking.