How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"We don't use magic, lad." (5.25)
Glad that's cleared up. In this quote, the Spook makes an important distinction between what he does and what the witches do. The witches do use magic, but since that magic is derived from blood and bones, it seems to come with a terrible price. So, in short, the Spook and Tom = good, the witches = evil. But what about Alice?
Quote #8
I began to think of the boggart as my friend, and a very powerful friend at that. (10.43)
It's good to see that not all supernatural creatures are bad. With all the evil boggarts, scary ghasts, and diabolical witches in Tom's world, it'd be easy to forget this fact. Just because some members of a species are evil, doesn't mean all members of a species are evil. Just look at humans—are we right?
Quote #9
"Her spirit could seize someone's body and use it as her own. It's called possession." (10.64)
Great. What can't these witches do? Now we see why the Spook has had to resort to seemingly barbaric methods in order to deal with the witches. Does this new fact make it easier for Tom to rationalize the Spook's actions?