The Rules of Survival Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Rules of Survival? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why doesn't Aunt Bobbie want to move away from the house?

She likes being close to Nikki.
She doesn't want to change things too much for the kids.
She's afraid of losing out on her half of the house.
She put in too much work in the kitchen remodel.
Q. Why are the kids so happy on Christmas?

Because Nikki is in jail
Because they get a puppy
Because Santa shows up
Because Murdoch decides to move in with them
Q. When does Matthew believe that Nikki really gives into her demons?

When she drinks
When she is with her friends
When Murdoch breaks up with her
When she has Emmy
Q. Where does Aunt Bobbie live in relation to Nikki and the kids?

Directly below them
Directly above them
Across the street
In their laundry room
Q. Where is Matthew's new room located when he moves in with Aunt Bobbie?

In the living room
In a corner of the kitchen
Directly above Nikki
Directly underneath Nikki's bedroom