How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
My favorite colors are the colors of the sea, blue and gray and green, depending on the weather. My brother William is a fisherman, and he tells me that when he is in the middle of a fog-bound sea the water is a color for which there is no name. He catches flounder and sea bass and bluefish. Sometimes he sees whales. And birds, too, of course. (2.3)
It's obvious from her letters that Sarah's super connected to nature—especially the sea. She comes from a family of fishermen, so she's comfortable on the ocean and knows the names of all the sea life.
Quote #2
Sarah came in the spring. She came through green grass fields that bloomed with Indian paintbrush, red and orange, and blue-eyed grass. (3.1)
It's not just the Witting family that pretties up their home to welcome Sarah—nature seems to do her role, too. The flowers start blooming as if to make sure Sarah sees the best of the Midwest when she arrives.
Quote #3
"But I've touched seals. Real seals. They are cool and slippery and they slide through the water like fish. They can cry and sing. And sometimes they bark, a little like dogs."
Sarah barked like a seal. And Lottie and Nick came running from the barn to jump on Sarah and lick her face and make her laugh. Sarah stroked them and scratched their ears and it was quiet again. (4.42-43)
Sarah isn't afraid of nature or wildlife, and she embraces the natural world and its inhabitants. She's even approached and petted seals as though they're dogs or cats. In fact, she says they basically are dogs of the sea.