How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Sarah loved the chickens. She clucked back to them and fed them grain. They followed her, shuffling and scratching primly in the dirt. I knew they would not be for eating. (7.8)
Sarah's a sucker for all animals. She has a cat, adores the dogs, is delighted to meet the sheep, and refuses to eat her new chickens, instead giving them names and keeping them as pets.
Quote #8
We planted the flowers by the porch, turning over the soil and patting it around them, and watering. Lottie and Nick came to sniff, and the chickens walked in the dirt, leaving prints. In the fields, the horses pulled the plow up and down under the hot summer sun. (7.30)
All of the characters are accustomed to working with the earth. Jacob is a farmer, and the kids learn from him. They plant gardens, take care of animals, and even know how to ride horses.
Quote #9
The rain came and passed, but strange clouds hung in the northwest, low and black and green. And the air grew still. (8.1)
Because the characters know the natural world around them so well, they can spot the signs of an impending storm. Those low clouds hanging around could spell disaster… and they have to fix up that roof pronto in anticipation of the squall.