How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Sarah sat up. "Do you have lots of snow?"
"Lots and lots and lots of snow," chanted Caleb, rolling around in the grass. "Sometimes we have to dig our way out to feed the animals." (6.11-12)
Although the Midwest is beautiful, there are also pretty brutal winters to contend with. Caleb gives Sarah the cold hard facts about what it's like around here when it snows—and how they keep the farm afloat.
Quote #5
"It blows the snow and brings tumbleweeds and makes the sheep run. Wind and wind and wind!" Caleb stood up and ran like the wind, and the sheep ran after him. Sarah and I watched him jump over rocks and gullies, the sheep behind him, stiff legged and fast. (6.23)
Even though the winter and snow can be pretty harsh, Caleb's completely unfazed. After all, he's lived in this particular climate for his entire life, so he's used to it. He doesn't know anything else.
Quote #6
"I can't swim," said Caleb.
"Can't swim!" exclaimed Sarah. "I'll teach you in the cow pond."
"That's for cows!" I cried. (6.28-30)
Because there's no sea or large body of water around, Anna and Caleb have grown up without having to learn how to swim. But Sarah wants them to know how to navigate all the elements, and so she gives them an impromptu swimming lesson in the cow pond.