Will Junior Timeline and Summary


Will Junior Timeline and Summary

  • Will accompanies his mother and sister to the Beaumont's house, where he tries to make his interest, friendship, and support known to a reluctant and standoffish Mibs.
  • Will escorts Mibs around her birthday party, eventually deciding he'll help her on her way to Salina.
  • Will reveals that he too has a secret to Mibs, hoping that she will reveal her own as well.
  • Will kisses Mibs briefly in the hotel pool. When she informs him that she isn't ready to be kissing him yet, he tells her that he can wait.
  • Will's secret is revealed: his real father is Officer Bill, and the pastor and Miss Rosemary are his grandparents.
  • A year later, Will is good friends with Mibs and a regular visitor to the Beaumont house.