Miss Rosemary

Character Analysis

Miss Rosemary means well, really she does—but it still doesn't make her particularly likeable. The unfortunate thing about Miss Rosemary is that she's kind of self-righteous. She's doing God's work, so she thinks that she knows what's best for everyone. She totally doesn't, though.

Miss Rosemary shows that unless you have all of the information, you don't really know what you're doing. She insists on having Mibs's birthday party at the church, unaware that Mibs could potentially harm a lot of people when her savvy makes its appearance, and she tries to force her children to be the people that she wants them to be instead of letting them be the people that they are. It's too bad for Miss Rosemary, because through her insistence that people be who she wants them to be, she misses out on the chance to actually get to know them.